《每次見面都只會Say Hello? 今天Yes小編 教大萬用招呼語!》

- What name shall I say? 我如何稱呼您?
- May I have your name please? 我可以知道您的名字嗎?
- I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name, how should I call you? 抱歉,不清楚怎麼稱呼您,您的名字是?
- Hi, I am ______, and you?

- Good morning / afternoon. How do you do? 早安/午安 你好嗎?
- I am happy to meet you. 我很高興認識你
- It's a pleasure to meet you. 很高興遇見你
- I'm glad / delighted to make your acquaintance. 很高興認識你
*make one's acquaintance. 指的是[能認識], 我很榮幸認識你。 - Hi / Hello, there!嗨!你好
- How is everything going?最近好嗎?
(2) How do you do?
(1) Fine. Thank you. / It's going well. / Things are great. 一切很好
情境三:在校園/社團 ....等日常環境的初次見面招呼用語

- Hi! / Hello!嗨!
- Yo, what's up?唷!如何?
>> 通常是男生的口語化說法。 - How's it going?一切都好嗎?
- How's life been treating you?字面上是生活對你如何?=最近如何?
- How have you been? 最近都好嗎?
(1) Nothing much. / Not much. / Just the usual. 沒有甚麼特別
(1) I've been doing well. 我最近過得很好

- Hi, Excuse me, is this seat taken? 不好意思,你一個人嗎?
- Would you like to dance with me? 你介意跟我跳一支舞嗎?
- Can I buy you a drink? 我可以請你喝一杯嗎?
- What time is it? / Do you have the time? 請問現在幾點?
- Don't you find this place cool? 不覺得這個地方很酷嗎
- You look like someone I know. 你看起來好面熟?
- Are you on your own? 你一個人嗎?
- 1.Hi, I just thought you should know that you have a really nice smile/eye.... 嗨,我只是要讓你知道,你的微笑/眼睛...真美
-- - Hey! You look great with the earrings/necklace you're wearing,are you alone/only you here? 嘿!你戴這個耳環/項鍊看起來很美,你一個人嗎?
- Hey, boy / man! (Do you) Wanna talk? 想要聊一聊嗎?
-- - Nice jacket / watch ! By the way, where are you from? 你的夾克/錶 很好看,對了!你從哪裡來?
- Anna:Hello. My name'sAnna. 哈囉!我是Anna
- Judy:Hi,Anna. I'm Judy. 嗨!Anna.我是Judy
- Anna:I'm glad to meet you. 很高興認識你
- Julie:Lovely to meet you too. 也很高興認識你
- Anna:This is my friend, Alex. 這是我朋友,Alex
- Judy:Yes, I know. We've already met. How are you Alex? 是,我知道。我們見過面,Alex你好嗎?
- Alex:Fine, Thanks. And you? 很好,謝謝,你呢?
- Judy:Great. Thanks. 很棒,謝謝.
- Anna:Oh! By the way, we must go, catch you later. 噢!對了,我們得先走了,保持聯絡
- Judy:Ok. Nice meeting you both again. Bye. 好,很高興認識你們,掰~
- 使用 Nice to meet you. - 當我們跟朋友初次見面時
>>You say "Nice to meet you" when you meet someone for the first time.
- 使用 Nice meeting you. - 當我們跟朋友說再見時
>>You say "Nice meeting you" when you say goodbye.
結語:是不是學到了幾招好用的招呼語呢?? 趕快來應用吧!^^
